Sunday, April 3, 2011

Need Food Fast? You Don't Need Fast Food.

Here are some healthy alternatives to fast food!

First of all, I would like to reiterate my number one rule: PLAN PLAN PLAN. Always carry a bag of healthy snacks with you (and eat them throughout the day!). This will prevent you from becoming SO hungry that you will eat anything in sight. I don't know about you, but in my previous lifestyle, the hungrier I was, the better bad food sounded. Keep that hunger at bay by eating often (this will also boost your metabolism!)

Here are some suggestions for those who live in this area. Every city, county, and state is different on what types of food are available. Unfortunately, there just aren't many choices around here for healthy pit stops.

SALAD. Almost anywhere you go, there are salads available. Some are better than others... I love Panera salads, if you have time to run in. Also, most grocery stores have a salad bar. Not always great, but MUCH better than a big mac. (More on salads coming soon!)

SMOOTHIES. I love Naked brand Smoothies. You can find them at most groceries stores (not all!) and at QuikTrip. They are FULL of fruits, veggies, and vitamins. There are no other additives, but do have some natural sugar from all the fruit they put in there. At QuikTrip, they are $3.50, which may seem expensive, but how much are "value meals"?? Exactly.

Still hungry? Try a sandwich at Jimmy John's (on whole grain bread, no chips!). Chipotle has fresh ingredients too... I like the chicken burrito bowl (no rice) with black beans, salsa, and a side of guacamole. (avocados are very nutritious!)

Again, these options are not to be used every day. But they do make good alternatives if you're in a bind. The most important thing is to find the most pure, whole, natural foods that you can find. Feel free to post if you have any other suggestions to add to this list!


  1. Not sure if anyone is a fan....But I happen to LOVE Chik Fil A! After talking with the manager recently and comparing menus to other "fast food" locations, they amazingly have some of the healthiest, grilled, options! The salads are great and the chicken sandwiches are as well - minus the fries (my breaking point, I mean they are waffle fries :)). Also, if I know I am going out to eat, I attempt to look of the nutritional value beforehand because it can be very deceiving!

    My 2-cents!

    Great post and great information Kelly!

  2. Absolutely Sang. I love their grilled chicken. I would definitely steer clear of the fries :) and watch the buns too... You want to look for those whole grains :) Thanks for the post!!!
