Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Make Some Changes!

Welcome to my first post!
My husband and I have always had a great foundation of eating healthy, but after 2 pregnancies in 2 years (Please note the adorable boys in the above picture) we realized we had been indulging a bit too much. As most people do, we made a resolution at the start of 2011 to completely change the way we eat. I lost my "baby weight" and have had a lot of questions about how I did that. I hope that my posts and advice motivate you to do the same with your family!

I am going make 3 suggestions:

CUT OUT THE SUGAR. Everyone consumes sugar. Dr. Oz literally calls it poison. Make some adjustments, and as soon as possible, discontinue all use/consumption of processed sugar. When my husband and I did this in December, we went through some pretty severe withdrawals (and we didn't even consume much to begin with!) Cut out all soda pops, desserts, etc. If you must sweeten something, use Honey or Agave.

WATER. Do you drink enough? Probably not. Drinking at least 64 ounces a day is the recommended amount. I carry around a big water jug all day and make sure that I fill it at least 2 times. And of course I drink a cup of coffee in the morning. (More on this later!)

RESEARCH. Knowledge is power! Start researching the effects of sugar, white flour, and processed foods. It will make you think twice about what you've been putting in your body.

Start thinking about and acting on these 3 things. The more research you do, the more you're going to think about it. Don't cram all this information in one night... spend a few times a day surfing the web or reading books. I was lucky enough to have the voice of my husband next to me, trying to educate me on healthy ways to eat. Of course it took 3 years before I started listening.  ;)


  1. Love it Kelly! It is about a change in mindset, as with anything, and education is key! Great advice!

    I also heard this...Cinnamon supplements. Lower blood sugar which means less cravings for sweets. My friend said it works!

  2. Great tip Sang! I love cinnamon :)

  3. Great post! Love the blog! Would you be willing to share some of the articles/books/finds you have come across? I am so interested in reading, but my attention span on searching isn't that great... :)

    And what a great tip about the cinnamon supplements. :) Thanks!

  4. Absolutely Katie! I was planning on putting more information up tonight, I will definitely include some articles!
