Does this apply to you?? I noticed when I changed the way I ate, I was often hungry. I eat more than most people, but I eat healthy foods, and my body is using the good foods I am eating.
When I first started breastfeeding Cade, I was told that he would nurse often. And boy did he! Some people think that this may be a problem, but this is Mother Nature at her best!
The reason babies nurse often is because breast milk is digested very quickly. Breastfeeding babies often have less waste, and this is because their bodies USE most of the milk.
OUR BODIES WERE NOT MEANT TO EAT PROCESSED FOOD. There is a reason people gain weight from eating too much sugar and processed food... IF IT WILL STAY FRESH IN YOUR CABINETS FOR MONTHS, IT'S GOING TO STAY ON YOUR BODY TOO! Humans were meant to eat whole, fresh foods often. That means it takes some effort to eat well and plan your meals ahead of time. Don't have time to eat well? Really?? Nothing is more important than your health!
What kind of protein shakes do each of you use?