Today's subject is EXCUSES. Believe me, I have been there, done that, and I know how easy it is to excuse eating bad food and not exercising. But I'm here to tell you, NO MORE EXCUSES.
Everyone can do something to improve their health. Still not convinced? Here's a few reasons to live a healthier life:
Boost your Mood. Exercising increases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Any time I have been really stressed, I ask my husband to watch the boys and I go for a run, do a cardio video or go to the gym. It has never failed to make me feel better. AND... knowing that you're getting slimmer and healthier is a mood booster as well.
Live longer. Sounds harsh, but it's true. I could list so many health issues that arise from poor eating and exercising habits. Getting off your butt and getting your heart rate up will make you feel better, but it also exercises your muscles and your heart. You may think you're invincible, but unfortunately, most people don't make the effort to live healthier until something bad happens to themselves or someone they love.
Set an example. Children see everything. It's your job as a parent to teach your children how to be healthy. They need to learn to make good choices... and unfortunately, the more junk food there is, the less likely they will be to reach for something healthy. Lead by example by skipping the junk and drinking plenty of water. Don't have children? You might someday... start those healthy habits now.
You never know, you might be setting an example for the adults in your life as well.
And if you're still not convinced...
Look good. Everyone has something they would like to change about themselves, and for women, it's usually their dress size. It takes just as much (or more) effort to moan, groan, and complain about how you look than it does to actually takes the steps to looking (and feeling) better.
Everyone can do something to live a healthier life. NO MORE EXCUSES.
Love it!