Sunday, September 18, 2011

My biggest challenges... and how I overcame them

Recently I asked my readers how/if they were living well, and what challenges they were facing.

Thanks for all the great responses!

Sang left a comment on my last post and asked the same questions everyone else asked:

Where do you get your recipes? 

Honestly, my husband : ) We really just eat fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains and some dairy. The delicious combinations of these natural foods are the product of my culinary-genius-of-a-husband, Shane. I have posted a couple of his "recipes" (he hates it when I call them that!) and I promise that I will continue to do so.

What has been your biggest challenges? And how did you overcome them? 

As a teenager and young adult, I stayed relatively thin. I ate relatively healthy (or at least I thought so at the time) and never really felt like I needed to watch my weight. Life happened... I got married and had 2 babies, all within 2 years. After two pregnancies and 4 months of bed rest, we took some family pictures when our youngest was 4 months old. Needless to say, I did not like what I saw... I didn't even recognize myself.

Up until then, I believe my biggest challenge was motivation. It just didn't seem important enough to make any changes. My second biggest challenge was fear of change. But after seeing that picture, I knew that I could be better.

From the beginning, Shane and I had decided that we would feed our boys in the best way we knew how (no sugar or junk of any kind) but it was time for me to lead by example. After seeing that picture, I spent the next few weeks doing more research and cleaning out my cabinets. And just in time for a New Year's resolution, I changed my lifestyle. I was extremely motivated... I had made the decision, and I was not going to turn back. I am an "all or nothing" kind of person, so I "rewarded" myself with non-edible items. I was driven by the desire to live a better life and to set a good example for my family.

I was very fortunate to have that motivation, and still have it today. Some of you out there may not be "there" yet, but I hope you get there soon. If you're having troubles getting motivated (or staying motivated), here are some suggestions:

- Have someone take a picture of you... clothing optional : ) Being able to look at yourself (in a photo or in the mirror) is so important. We are our own worst critics (I still have things I'm working on) but it's a start.

- Do you have some clothes that used to fit? Some "skinny jeans" that you used to fit into (and not the stylish skinny jeans you have to pour yourself into). Almost every woman has some item of clothing that doesn't fit--but we hang on to anyway. Find it, and hang it somewhere--next to the mirror, in front of your closet--somewhere you will see it every day.

- Research, often. Reading about how bad that junk food really is, helps reinforce the changes you are trying to make.

- Start exercising. Somehow, figure out a way to exercise. You will feel better (afterwards), it's good for you, and it really helps shed the extra fat and toxins that are in your body.

 - Accountability. Tell someone what you're doing. Journal it and share it with someone on a weekly basis. Make your new lifestyle present in every aspect of your life! This will help when dining with others, and you never know... you might inspire someone else!

 In the end, it's really up to you.

1 comment:

  1. How about instead of recipes, we call them creations! :-)

    I agree with everything...accountability is a major plus and of course the support of those around you!

    Thanks for sharing Kelly!
