Friday, March 25, 2011

Do you know how to Grocery Shop?!

I realized today that I finally learned how to grocery shop. When I first met my husband, he told me that you should mostly shop around the outside of the store, not throughout the aisles. I said "That's crazy! That's where I get at least half of my groceries!" But he was SO right. Today, I started at the dairy section on the far side to get our organic milk and yogurt (and sometimes eggs, but we usually buy those locally...  Thanks Amy!), then went to the meat department, and finally, produce. The only thing I purchased out of the middle was Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Oats.

Shane was so proud.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful. After sitting and thinking about how I grocery is true. All the good things are on the outside...I will now think of the aisles as the black hole! :)
