Monday, May 16, 2011

Thirsty? Grab a glass of WATER!!!

Thirsty? Seems like most people reach for a bottle of pop, or a glass of tea before they will reach for what their body really needs. WATER. First of all, you should never get to the point of being thirsty. But if you do wait long enough to get parched, drinking a sugary drink is NOT going to quench your thirst. Drinking pop, tea, or even lemonade will only make you more thirsty. I have heard many adults say they "just don't like the taste" of water. TOO BAD! Your body needs it.

Keep a jug of water around you every day! Everyone needs approximately 64 ounces of water per day. (This is especially important if you are pregnant or nursing!) Sound like a lot? It's really not. I have a 32 ounce jug that I fill with ice water at least twice a day. It might be an adjustment for you at first, but once you make it a habit, you won't think twice about it.

What color is your pee?? Yep, I asked you about your urine. First thing in the morning, it will probably be yellow. But throughout the day, it should get more and more clear. Clear pee is healthy pee :) If yours is bright or dark yellow, you might be dehydrated.

It is VERY important to make sure your KIDS drink plenty of water. My son Cade is 2 and half now, and he drinks water every day. He gets milk first thing in the morning, and after dinner. As for the rest of the day, I fill up his own little water bottle and HE makes sure it goes with us where ever we go. (Still helping your child use the "potty"? Make sure their pee is clear too!) He has never drank pop, or juice. (There is no nutritional value in juice! If you want your kids to have fruit, give them whole, natural fruit!) There is nothing better than hearing him ask for a "drink-a-watew" :)

Need another reason to drink water? People who drink the recommended amount of water, often find themselves using better portion control at mealtimes. Water helps curb your appetite!

How much water have you drank today? ?

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